Zella Scale Update 🎉
We’ve completely redesigned the Zella Scale to show you a quick yet deep glance at the full story behind the trade you took!
The Zella Scale reveals how much profits and/or losses you could have potentially made on that trade, and the actual profit or loss you took.

This can be accessed in two places on the platform:
- Trade Log

- Trade Tracking

Now you have an idea of how shaky a trade was or how well you managed it – all with just a quick glance!
Price MAE and Price MFE
Did your trade outcome size up to its potential or are you leaving profits on the table?
With this feature, you now have a clear idea!

This gives you the maximum loss (MAE) and maximum profit (MFE) during a trade.
Adding a second and third charts
Need to go deeper into a trade with an additional chart or two?
You may now quickly add a second and third chart, even of other symbols, straight from the trade page!

Split/Merge Trades
Conveniently split a single trade or merge multiple trades on your Trade Log by simply selecting a trade or trades and choosing the action from the Bulk Action drop-down menu.
- Split

- Merge

Profit Calculation Method Settings: LIFO/FIFO/Weighted Average
Previously, we calculate trade P/L in terms of FIFO or First-In-First-Out Method by default.
However, we’ve found that some of our users prefer seeing their P/L calculated based on the LIFO or Last-In-First-Out Method.
But if you’re more familiar with Weighted Average Profit Calculation Method, we carry that too!
You may now easily change this based on your preference.
Simply go to Account Dropdown > Settings > Accounts

Breakeven Settings
Personalize what you consider as “Breakeven” with this new account setting.
You can now define a range of Dollar ($) or Percent (%) Value “Breakeven” P/L based on your own standard, instead of automatically having them as Win or Lose.
Set this up by going to Account (Dropdown) > Settings > Trade Settings

All “BE” or Breakeven P&L shows up in grey color on your P&L calendar view.

Zella Notebook: Trash Can
Ever accidentally deleted a really important journal entry from your notebook?
Not to fret – you may now recover and restore any deleted notes from the trash can!

Portfolio Balance Tracking
We’re all about tracking your finances well!
You now have the ability to track your portfolio balance by inputting your starting balance, any additions you’ve made, as well as all your withdrawals.

Broker Support Updates
Great news! 🥳 We’re thrilled to be announcing new brokers on TradeZella!
💡 Refinitiv Redi Broker Support
Refinitiv Redi for Stock Trades is now live on the platform!

You can upload trades via the file upload method via the Add Trade – CSV method.
💡 TD Direct Investments Support
TD Direct Investments Support for Option Trades is now available on the platform!

You can upload trades via the file upload method via the Add Trade – CSV method.
💡 Rithmic R Broker Support
Rithmic R Broker Support for Futures is now live on the platform!

You can upload trades via the file upload method via the Add Trade – CSV method.
Here’s a full list of all supported brokers on TradeZella – and more coming soon